What Does It Mean When a Parakeet Shakes Her Tail?

Dogs shake their tails, cats shake their tails and even pet birds frequently partake in the conspicuous behavior. Despite all of the tail wagging behavior going on in the animal kingdom, it definitely doesn't all necessarily point to the same meaning or intention. As far as parakeets go, tail shaking has a handful of potential causes. When analyzing the potential reason behind your parakeet's tail shaking, employ context for clues as much as possible.
  1. Cheer

    • Parakeets often swiftly and energetically shake their tails when they're content and in good spirits. If you just got back home after a long and tough day at the office, your bird might wag her tail as a way of saying, "I'm so giddy that you're finally back. I like you, and I missed your company a lot." Tail shaking can also denote that a parakeet is moving on from a previous fun event and is prepared for further exciting experiences -- "Bring it on, world!"

    Passing Stools

    • Tail shaking in birds can signify that an individual is just about to pass stool matter. At the same time, the body language can also indicate that an individual has just finished eliminating. If you're in the process of housebreaking your parakeet, keep a careful eye out for this kind of behavior, as it might come in handy for the future. If your parakeet ever attempts to expel waste in an inappropriate part of your home, her body language might be able to alert you beforehand.


    • If your parakeet shakes her tail, it could be a sign that she just finished grooming -- or preening -- her plumage using her beak. When birds shake their tails after preening, it often serves as a means of letting off strain and pressure. Birds also often shake their tails to coif their feathers into shape.

    Breathing Issues

    • If your parakeet is moving her tail in upward and downward motions, it might indicate that she's exhausted from physical activity. Fast breathing frequently accompanies this tail motion. This behavior is especially common right after birds finish partaking in vigorous exercise. If you notice this tail movement in your parakeet and she hasn't recently exercised, it could be a sign of a breathing condition, however. If you suspect this, take your precious parakeet in for an appointment with an avian veterinarian as soon as possible.