What are the of annelids?

1. Body Plan:

- Bilateral symmetry

- Metamerism (segmentation) with specialized segments performing different functions

2. Body Cavity:

- Coelomates, meaning they have a true coelom or body cavity lined with mesoderm

3. Digestive System:

- Complete digestive system with a mouth, digestive tract, and anus

4. Circulatory System:

- Closed circulatory system with blood vessels, including dorsal and ventral blood vessels

5. Excretory System:

- Metanephridia in each segment function as excretory organs

6. Respiratory System:

- No specialized respiratory organs; some exchange gases through their body surface, while others have specialized structures like branchiae in aquatic species

7. Nervous System:

- Ladder-like nerve cord with ventral nerve ganglia in each segment

8. Sensory Organs:

- Simple sensory structures such as antennae, palps, and light-sensitive structures

9. Reproduction:

- Most are hermaphrodites, with both male and female reproductive organs

- Sexual reproduction involving fertilization, either external or internal

10. Habitat:

- Found in a wide range of habitats, including aquatic (marine and freshwater), terrestrial, and semi-terrestrial environments.