* Birds: Many species of birds have gone extinct, including the passenger pigeon, the great auk, and the Carolina parakeet.
* Amphibians: Many species of amphibians have gone extinct, including the golden toad, the Panamanian golden frog, and the Rabbs' fringe-limbed tree frog.
* Reptiles: Many species of reptiles have gone extinct, including the dinosaurs, the giant tortoises of Madagascar, and the tuatara.
* Fish: Many species of fish have gone extinct, including the Chinese paddlefish, the Yangtze giant softshell turtle, and the vaquita.
* Invertebrates: Many species of invertebrates have gone extinct, including the giant cockroach, the Lord Howe Island stick insect, and the Christmas Island flying-fox.
* Plants: Many species of plants have gone extinct, including the Franklin tree, the St. Helena olive, and the Easter Island palm.