- Plain brown dove (_Streptopelia vinacea_): This dove is found in South and Southeast Asia. It is typically brown overall, with a pale belly and a dark tail.
- Brown-chested dove (_Streptopelia tranquebarica_): This dove is found in South Asia. It is similar to the plain brown dove, but has a brown chest and a pale gray belly.
- Mourning dove (_Zenaida macroura_): This dove is found in North America and Central America. It is a brownish-gray color overall, with a long tail and a white-edged black spot on the wings.
- Eurasian collared dove (_Streptopelia decaocto_): This dove is found in Europe, Asia, and North Africa. It is a light brown color overall, with a black collar on the back of the neck.
- Ruddy ground dove (_Columbina talpacoti_): This dove is found in the southern United States, Mexico, and Central America. It is a small, brown dove with a reddish-brown head and neck.