Octopuses are known for their problem-solving skills, learning abilities, and tool use. They have shown an aptitude for complex tasks such as navigating mazes, manipulating objects, and cooperating with others. Octopuses also have a decentralized nervous system, which means that they have multiple centres of intelligence distributed throughout their body, including their arms, which allows for a remarkable level of coordination and independent control.
On the other hand, owls are renowned for their exceptional senses, particularly their keen eyesight and hearing, which enable them to hunt effectively in low light conditions. Owls have also exhibited abilities in problem-solving and adaptability. They have shown an understanding of cause and effect, as well as the capacity to learn from experience.
In summary, both octopuses and owls possess impressive cognitive abilities that are well-suited to their respective habitats and lifestyles. While it may not be possible to definitively determine which species is "smarter", both animals exhibit remarkable qualities that contribute to their success in their environments.