Extinct Birds:
1. Dodo (_Raphus cucullatus_)
> - Large, flightless bird from Mauritius Island, extinct in the 17th century due to human activities.
2. Passenger Pigeon (_Ectopistes migratorius_)
> - North American migratory pigeon, once numerous with flocks of billions, extinct in the early 20th century due to overhunting and habitat loss.
3. Great Auk (_Pinguinus impennis_)
> - Flightless bird from the North Atlantic, hunted for its meat, feathers, and oil, extinct in the mid-19th century.
4. Moa (_Dinornis robustus, Dinornis novaezealandiae_)
> - Large, flightless bird from New Zealand, hunted to extinction by Polynesian settlers around the 15th century.
5. Carolina Parakeet (_Conuropsis carolinensis_)
> - North American parrot, widespread in the eastern US, extinct in the early 20th century due to trapping, habitat loss, and disease.
Extinct Animals:
1. Woolly Mammoth (_Mammuthus primigenius_)
> - Large, shaggy-haired elephant that roamed northern continents during the Pleistocene epoch, extinct about 10,000 years ago.
2. Giant Ground Sloth (_Megatherium americanum_)
> - Large, herbivorous sloth that inhabited South America during the Pleistocene, extinct about 10,000 years ago.
3. Saber-Toothed Cat (_Smilodon fatalis_)
> - Big cat with long, saber-like teeth that inhabited North and South America during the Pleistocene, extinct about 10,000 years ago.
4. Irish Elk (_Megaloceros giganteus_)
> - Giant deer with large antlers that roamed Eurasia during the Pleistocene, extinct about 7,700 years ago.
5. Dodo Bird (_Raphus cucullatus_)
> - Large, flightless bird known for its plump, round body, endemic to Mauritius Island in the Indian Ocean, driven to extinction by human activity and introduced species in the 17th century.