How stellaluna and the birds are alike?

Similarities between Stellaluna and the birds:

- Physical appearance: Stellaluna is a bat, but she has many physical features in common with the birds she lives with. She has wings, feathers, and a beak, and she can fly.

- Behavior: Stellaluna learns to behave like a bird in order to fit in. She eats the same food, sings the same songs, and flies in the same way as the other birds.

- Social interactions: Stellaluna is accepted by the birds as one of their own. She makes friends with them, plays with them, and even finds a mate among them.

- Habitat: Stellaluna lives in the same habitat as the birds, in a forest full of trees and flowers. She finds shelter in a bird's nest and raises her own family there.

Overall, Stellaluna is very similar to the birds she lives with, both in terms of her physical characteristics and her behavior. She is able to adapt to her new environment and become a fully integrated member of the bird community.