What kind of powers does harpies have?

Harpies are mythological creatures that are half woman and half bird. They are often depicted as having the bodies of birds of prey, with sharp talons and beaks, and the heads and torsos of women. Though primarily viewed as malevolent creatures, some have been known to be helpful. Here are some mythical or legendary powers commonly associated with harpies:

1. Flight: Harpies are known for their ability to fly. They can soar through the air with great speed and agility, making them difficult to catch or escape.

2. Keen Sight and Hearing: Harpies have sharp eyesight and acute hearing, allowing them to spot potential prey or threats from a distance.

3. Supernatural Strength: Despite their often-slender appearance, harpies are said to possess remarkable physical strength. They can carry objects or individuals much larger than themselves and use their talons and beaks as formidable weapons.

4. Poisonous Talons and Beaks: Some legends portray harpies as having venomous claws or beaks. Their touch or bite can inflict severe pain, injury, or even death.

5. Voice and Song: Harpies are sometimes said to have hauntingly beautiful voices. However, their songs are often deceptive and can lure victims to their doom. In many stories, harpies are depicted as screeching or wailing creatures.

6. Transformation: In certain myths, harpies are believed to have the ability to transform themselves into different forms, including human or animal shapes.

7. Prophecy: Some harpies are associated with the power of prophecy. They may deliver oracles or predictions, often in cryptic or ambiguous ways, that reveal future events or warn of impending dangers.

8. Guardianship: In certain tales, harpies are portrayed as guardians of sacred places, treasures, or individuals. They may fiercely defend their charges from intruders or threats.

9. Soul-Stealing: Some legends depict harpies as capable of stealing the souls of their victims, particularly those who have committed wrongdoings.

It's important to note that the details and powers attributed to harpies may vary depending on the cultural context and traditions in which they are depicted.