What is the characteristics of this kind quail?

Northern bobwhite (*Colinus virginianus*)

  • Small, ground-dwelling bird found in North America
  • Adults are 8.5-10 inches long and weigh 4-6 ounces
  • Males have a white eye-ring, black throat, and brown upperparts with white spots
  • Females are similar to males, but have a buffy eye-ring and throat
  • Bobwhites live in coveys of 10-20 birds
  • They feed on seeds, fruits, and insects
  • Bobwhites are monogamous and breed from March to September
  • Females lay 10-12 eggs per clutch and incubate them for 23 days
  • Chicks are precocial and leave the nest soon after hatching
  • Bobwhites are important game birds and are hunted throughout their range