What kind of geese is in California?

* Snow goose (Chen caerulescens): This goose has white plumage, black wingtips, and pink feet. It breeds in the Arctic and winters in California and other parts of North America.

* Ross's goose (Chen rossii): This goose is similar to the snow goose but has a smaller body and shorter neck. It also breeds in the Arctic and winters in California and other parts of North America.

* Emperor goose (Chen canagica): This goose has brown plumage, a black head and neck, and yellow feet. It breeds in Alaska and winters in California and other parts of North America.

* Greater white-fronted goose (Anser albifrons): This goose has brown plumage, a white forehead, and pink feet. It breeds in the Arctic and winters in California and other parts of North America.

* Lesser white-fronted goose (Anser erythropus): This goose is similar to the greater white-fronted goose but has a smaller body and shorter neck. It also breeds in the Arctic and winters in California and other parts of North America.

* Canada goose (Branta canadensis): This goose has brown plumage, a black head and neck, and white cheeks. It breeds in North America and winters in California and other parts of North America.

* Brant (Branta bernicla): This goose has black plumage, a white belly, and a black head and neck. It breeds in the Arctic and winters in California and other parts of North America.