* Piping Plover (_Charadrius melodus_): This small shorebird nests on sandy beaches along the Great Lakes. Its population has declined due to habitat loss and disturbance from human activity.
* Least Tern (_Sternula antillarum_): Another small shorebird that nests on sandy beaches, the least tern is also threatened by habitat loss and human activity.
* Bald Eagle (_Haliaeetus leucocephalus_): The bald eagle is a majestic bird of prey that was once on the brink of extinction. Thanks to conservation efforts, its population has rebounded, but it is still considered endangered in Michigan.
* Peregrine Falcon (_Falco peregrinus_): The peregrine falcon is another bird of prey that was once endangered. It has also made a comeback in recent years, but it is still considered endangered in Michigan.
* Kirtland's Warbler (_Setophaga kirtlandii_): The Kirtland's warbler is a small songbird that nests in young jack pine forests in Michigan and Wisconsin. Its population is threatened by habitat loss and cowbird parasitism.
* Red-headed Woodpecker (_Melanerpes erythrocephalus_): The red-headed woodpecker is a large, distinctive woodpecker that is found in open woodlands and forests. Its population has declined in recent years due to habitat loss and competition from other woodpeckers.
* Loggerhead Shrike (_Lanius ludovicianus_): The loggerhead shrike is a medium-sized bird that is found in open areas, such as fields and pastures. Its population has declined in recent years due to habitat loss and changes in agricultural practices.