- Why do scientists classify a bat and parrot in different groups?
- Is a gidgee type of parrot?
- What are the different carateristics of male ringneck dove and female dove?
- What kind of owl is the Rice university owl?
- Are there bald eagles in Russia?
- How many penguins are there in the Arctic Circle?
- Are there 139 species of owl?
- How many types of penguins breed on the Antarctic continent?
- How many years do seagulls live?
- What are the names of all different species penguins?
- Does a young peacock resemble the adult peacock?
- What kind of bird is the cousin white throat sparrow?
- What is another name for hawk?
- Is there a difference between great black hawk and common hawk?
- What sound does bald eagles make?
- What powers do the Flock have?
- Why are Eastern bluebirds endangered?
- What is the largest bird colony?
- What is the wing span of largest living flying bird?
- What is a common name for male bird?
- What can hummingbirds do that most other birds cant?
- Who would win in a fight an owl or penguin?
- How many types of doves are there in the world?
- Is there a difference in plumage between the male and female wild turkey?
- What are female doves called?
- How do female ducks show they like another duck?
- Do parrots inherit flying in flocks?
- What types of plants do seagulls eat?
- What native birds live on motutapu island?
- If 5 ducks fly south north how many geese are flying with them?
- How strong is a Bald Eagle?
- What do turkeys smell like?
- In an ecosystem a large number of species are dependent on one particular bird?
- What are the differences between wild chickens?
- What is the differences between flies eyes and human eyes?
- What are the predators of Eastern bluebird?
- Is a turkey considered bird?
- What are the little black spots left behind by flies?
- Is there such a bird known as Thunderbird?
- How many species of eagle are there?
- How many eggs do umbrella birds lay in her whole life?
- What kind of hawks live in mid Florida?
- What type of birds migrate through Texas?
- Do male doves have longer beaks than female doves?
- Do parrots live in water or land?
- What kinds of nests do ospreys build?
- Why are female Snowy Owls heavier than male Owls?
- What are magpie birds?
- Is a male hummingbird green or red?
- What traits would you expect birds to have?