What breed is first lion or bob cat?

This question is a bit tricky because it's asking about evolutionary history, not a simple timeline. Here's a breakdown:

* Lions: Lions are members of the *Panthera* genus, which evolved around 4.5 million years ago. This genus also includes tigers, leopards, jaguars, and snow leopards.

* Bobcats: Bobcats are in the *Lynx* genus, which diverged from the *Panthera* lineage much earlier, around 10 million years ago.

So, while the *Panthera* genus, which includes lions, evolved *after* the *Lynx* genus, which includes bobcats, they both descended from a common ancestor that existed even earlier.

It's like asking if your cousin is older than your sister. You and your cousin share a common ancestor (your grandparents), but your sister is closer to you in the family tree.

Ultimately, it's more accurate to say that lions and bobcats share a common ancestor that lived many millions of years ago, rather than saying one came "first" than the other.