Will a neutered male cat try to have intercourse with female cat?

No, a neutered male cat will not try to have intercourse with a female cat.

Here's why:

* Neutering removes the testicles: This removes the primary source of testosterone, the hormone responsible for driving sexual desire and behavior in male cats.

* Reduced libido: Neutering significantly reduces a male cat's libido, making them less interested in mating.

* Physical inability: While a neutered cat might still engage in some mounting behavior, they lack the physical capability to successfully mate.

However, it's important to note:

* Individual variation: Some neutered cats may still exhibit some level of sexual behavior, but it will be much less frequent and intense than before neutering.

* Hormonal fluctuations: There might be temporary periods where a neutered cat displays more interest in mating due to hormonal fluctuations, especially early after neutering.

* Other motivations: Even without a sexual motivation, a male cat might still mount a female cat for reasons like playfulness or dominance.

If you notice your neutered cat engaging in mounting behavior, it's generally best to consult your veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical conditions and discuss ways to manage the behavior.