Will a female cat be pregnant if she only gets caught once off male cat?

Yes, a female cat can become pregnant after only one mating with a male cat.

Here's why:

* Fertility: Female cats are very fertile. They can become pregnant even if they only mate once.

* Sperm Storage: A female cat's reproductive system can store viable sperm for several days. This means that even if she mates with a male cat once, she can still become pregnant if she ovulates within that time frame.

Important Considerations:

* Heat Cycles: Female cats go into heat (estrus) several times a year. During heat, they are receptive to mating and can become pregnant.

* Spaying: Spaying your female cat is the most reliable way to prevent pregnancy.

If you are concerned about your female cat becoming pregnant, it's best to speak with your veterinarian. They can advise you on spaying or other options to prevent unwanted litters.