Lethargy in Cat Pregnancy

A pregnant cat can be an exciting addition, especially when thinking of the adorable kittens that will be produced. Understanding how to care for a pregnant feline and the symptoms to watch for can help reduce the chance for complications.
  1. Early Symptoms

    • In the first few weeks of a cat's pregnancy, the most obvious sign that the cat is impregnated is weight gain. Enlarged nipples are also an early sign of pregnancy.


    • Much like in people, a pregnancy can take a toll on a cat's body. Some cats will experience morning sickness and exhibit signs of lethargy. If a pregnant cat is extremely low-energy, check with a veterinarian to ensure that there are no problems with the pregnancy.


    • After the first month of pregnancy, her caloric intake will increase, and she should be fed more to ensure she can support the growth of her kittens.

    Length of Pregnancy

    • The normal gestation period for a cat is between 58 and 71 days, or eight to 10 weeks. In the latter stages of pregnancy, a cat will have gained significant weight and will seek out a place to give birth.


    • During pregnancy, avoid giving vaccinations, flea treatments or antibiotics (or other medication). Talk to your vet before giving any supplements to a pregnant cat.