Symptoms of Cat Estrus

Female cats experience what is known as estrus if they reach sexual maturity but haven't been spayed. During this time, female cats, called queens, are ready to receive a male suitor and breed. Sexual maturity in cats comes between 5 and 12 months of age. Queens come into estrus every few weeks if there is no successful mating; estrus usually lasts anywhere from seven to 10 days. Cats in heat display a number of different symptoms that make this cycle easy to spot.
  1. Excessive Vocalization

    • Cats experiencing estrus are more vocal than normal. A cat will meow loudly, moan and howl during estrus. This howling is used to inform male cats that the female is currently experiencing estrus. Many times, the female cat's meow is more shrill than it normally would be. This meowing can go on for quite some time, any time of day or night. Because of this excessive vocalization, estrus is also known as calling.

    Overt Affection

    • While in heat, many queens display increased affection. She might rub against your legs more often than usual, or rub her head against furniture and other objects. Females experiencing estrus roll around on the floor often.


    • Treading refers to the hind leg motion that cats in estrus display. This movement looks like the back legs of the cat are walking in place. The cat might do this at random, or this motion might come into play when the cat is scratched. If a female cat is petted near her tail while in estrus, she will often raise her back end in the air and begin the treading movement.

    Escape Attempts

    • During estrus, your cat will likely try to escape the house. Her instinct is to get outside and find a male to mate with, so keep careful watch over her.

    Physical Behaviors

    • A cat in estrus often carries her tail to one side. Your cat may assume a mating position in which her front end is resting against the ground and back end is sticking up in the air. A queen in estrus will clean her vulva more often than she usually does and also will likely urinate excessively.