Birthing Bed for Cats

When a pregnant cat is ready to give birth, it will naturally seek out a birthing nest where it can safely give birth to its kittens. You can make the process easier for your cat by providing a birthing bed where it can safely deliver its kittens in a warm, clean environment. If your cat has its own bed, it may prefer to use it as a birthing bed if it is located in a private area. Otherwise, create a bed for your cat in a warm, dry area away from children and other pets.

Things You'll Need

  • Cardboard box
  • Scissors
  • Soft material such as a towel or blanket
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    • 1

      Fold in the flaps on the cardboard box and turn the box upside down so that the flaps are on the floor. Make sure the box is big enough for an adult-sized cat and a litter of kittens to move around comfortably.

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      Cut a hole inside of the box to act as a door for your cat. The hole needs to be big enough so that your cat can comfortably fit inside, but small enough that your cat will feel safe.

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      Line the bottom of the birthing bed with a soft, warm material such as a blanket, towel or fabric remnants. The fabric should be washed prior to being added to the birthing bed.

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      Move the birthing bed to an area where the cat can find it, but where it will also have privacy. Make sure the bed is easily accessible to the cat.

    • 5

      Show your cat to the birthing bed and watch to see if the cat enters the box. The cat will need time to adjust to the box and feel comfortable, so introduce it early in your cat's pregnancy.