How to Make a Comfortable Place for Your Cat to Give Birth

A mother cat giving birth is a tremendous strain on both a physical and an emotional level, and as a result, can be one of the most important times in your pet cat's life. In order to ensure the maximum comfort and safety in this process, it is essential that you as a cat owner take the steps necessary to ensure a smooth birth and rearing for the kittens. With some effort and willpower on your part, making a comfortable place for your cat to give birth can be accomplished with you gaining a plethora of long term memories and experience.

Things You'll Need

  • Large cardboard box
  • Assorted sheets and cloths (unused)
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      Identify an area in your household that is warm and in a set off area that has a low traffic level. Excellent examples of these places are walk-in closets, laundry rooms, and bathrooms. Ensure that the area you have chosen has a low light level as bright light for kittens at their birth can be damaging to their eye development. To reach this light level, drape sheets over any windows that may be present in the "nest" location you have chosen.

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      Clean your "nest" area you have chosen thoroughly with cleaning materials to ensure there are no foreign or dirty materials in the area. If you choose to clean the area with chemicals, let the room sit undisturbed for at least a week to ensure no harmful chemicals remain.

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      Cut your cardboard box so that the box has a floor and only three sides. Place the three-sided cardboard box into your nest area with the box against the wall and ensure that it is in a warm area with no nearby hazards. Drape your assorted sheets (unused) around the cardboard to create a sterile and clean environment for the "nest." It is essential that you use clean and unused sheets because the mother cat and her kittens communicate through smell alone for the first week, and a dirty or smelly "nest" can be disastrous for the mother's communication to her kittens.

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      Move your cat's litter box within three feet of your pre-made nest and your cat will take it up as her nest. You may note that within a week of your mother cat giving birth, she will start looking for a "nest" by actively seeking out various hideouts and dragging cloths/linen to build her nest. Keep the litter box this close to the nest but continuously (four times a day) clean any feces or urine to ensure that the nest is clean.