How to Help Your Cat Nest

When female cats get ready to give birth, they start nesting to build a safe, warm and comfortable place for their kittens. Left to their own devices, female cats will nest in any available space that is dark and warm, like the back of a closet or an open drawer. To prevent your cat from nesting in an inconvenient place, help her nest when the time comes.

Things You'll Need

  • Nesting box
  • Newspaper
  • Old towels or rags
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    • 1

      Choose a nesting box for your cat. It can be any box that is covered or has high walls. Some options include a clean pet carrier, a laundry basket or a cardboard box.

    • 2

      Line the bottom of the box with newspaper. The newspaper is easy to replace, and the cat can pull and tear it to fluff it up.

    • 3

      Add old towels or rags to the nesting box to make it softer and to further interest the cat.

    • 4

      Place the box in a location that is quiet and free of drafts.

    • 5

      Place the female cat in the box so she can get used to it. Allow her to sniff and investigate. Rustle the paper and the towels to interest her in the location.

    • 6

      Repeat steps 1 through 5 to produce a second nesting box. Some female cats like having a choice between two locations.