Signs of Later Pregnancy in Kittens

Cats have an average gestational period of 63 to 65 days, with a five day variation on either end of that figure, according to the "Clinical Textbook for Veterinary Technicians." During this time, signs signifying that the cat is carrying a litter of kittens arise. Since it isn't possible to test cats for pregnancy via blood or urine, the physical signs may be the only indication that your cat is pregnant.
  1. Weight Gain

    • Pregnant cats experience an increase in appetite and a proportionate amount of weight gain. During early pregnancy, it can be hard to determine whether your cat is pregnant or simply gaining weight. By week four of the cat's pregnancy, the cat's body has changed in shape and gained enough weight to make the pregnancy visible, according to the "Clinical Textbook for Veterinary Technicians."

    Palpation and Visualization

    • Between three and four weeks into the cat's pregnancy, a trained veterinarian is able to palpate the cat's abdomen and feel the kittens inside. Later in the pregnancy, it can be hard even for a trained professional to distinguish the developing kittens from the fetal membranes. This change in feeling occurs around 32 days into a cat's pregnancy.

      Veterinarians may also visualize a cat's pregnancy using special technology. For example, after three weeks an ultrasound may be performed to visualize the heartbeats of the kittens. After 43 days, the bone structure of developing cats can be safely visualized using X-ray equipment, though "Radiography in Veterinary Technology" warns that X-rays should be avoided early in a cat's pregnancy.


    • For several days leading up to labor, a pregnant cat seeks out a quiet place to give birth. She may scout out several isolated locations before deciding to favor one. Once she has decided upon a spot, a pregnant female cat will often drag items to the area to make it more comfortable during the impending birthing process. If your cat is amassing towels, blankets, pillows or soft objects in a hard-to-reach area, she may be quite advanced in her pregnancy, according to the "Clinical Veterinary Advisor."

    Milk Production

    • By three weeks into a pregnancy, a cat's nipples become deeper in color and more pronounced. Breeders refer to this as "pinking." By six weeks into the pregnancy, the nipples become larger and the breasts may be prominent. This indicates the production of milk in preparation to nurse the kittens. Several days before birth, a pregnant cat may begin leaking milk. This is most evident if the cat lays on a fabric surface and leaves wet spots behind.