What can i use to keep our cats from scratching up new furniture?

It can be frustrating when your beloved cats decide to turn your new furniture into a scratching post! Here are some effective solutions to keep them from scratching:

Prevention and Training:

* Provide adequate scratching posts: Offer a variety of scratching posts in different textures, heights, and materials (sisal, cardboard, wood). Place them near areas where your cats like to scratch.

* Catnip: Use catnip on scratching posts to encourage their use.

* Positive reinforcement: Reward your cat with treats or praise when they use their scratching posts.

* Nail trimming: Regular nail trimming will reduce the damage caused by scratching.

* Vertical scratching: Cats love vertical surfaces. Encourage them to scratch on vertical surfaces like walls by placing scratching posts near them.

Furniture Protection:

* Furniture covers: Use cat-resistant furniture covers made from durable materials like microfiber or canvas.

* Cat repellent sprays: Spray cat-repellent products on furniture, but be sure to choose those that are safe for both cats and humans.

* Double-sided tape: Apply double-sided tape to areas where your cats are prone to scratching. The sticky texture discourages them.

* Protective film: Apply a clear protective film to furniture surfaces to prevent scratches.

* Scratching mats: Place scratching mats on furniture to protect the fabric.

Other Solutions:

* Vertical space: Provide your cats with plenty of vertical space for climbing and playing. This can help reduce their urge to scratch furniture.

* Playtime: Regular playtime with toys can help redirect your cat's scratching instincts.

* Enrichment: Provide your cats with plenty of enrichment, such as puzzle toys, catnip toys, and climbing structures.

Important: It's crucial to understand that scratching is a natural behavior for cats. Instead of punishing them, focus on providing alternatives and making scratching posts more attractive. Be patient, consistent, and rewarding, and your cats will eventually learn to use the scratching posts you provide.