Here's the breakdown:
* Hair Growth Phases: Just like human hair, cat hair goes through growth phases:
* Anagen: The active growth phase
* Catagen: A transition phase where growth slows down
* Telogen: The resting phase, where the hair detaches from the follicle and eventually sheds
* Shedding Cycles: Cats have a natural shedding cycle influenced by factors like season, diet, and hormones. This cycle determines when hairs enter the telogen phase and fall out.
* Regular Shedding: While cat hair doesn't grow continuously like some animals, it's constantly being replaced through the shedding cycle. This ensures a healthy coat.
* Appearance of "Not Growing": The continuous cycle of growth and shedding might make it seem like the hair isn't growing, but it's simply being replaced at a steady rate.
So, while cat hair doesn't grow infinitely, it does grow continuously, and its growth is regulated by the shedding cycle.