The Best Way to Cut Knots of Fur Out of a Cat

Knots in a long-haired cat's fur can grow into mats that pull on the cat's skin and cause sores. So it's essential to keep on top of them and remove knots as soon as they form. Cats are constantly shedding, and long-haired breeds can't always keep up with removing all the dead hair by grooming. Dead hair tangles with the rooted hairs, causing a knot that the cat can't remove by itself. With some inexpensive grooming tools and some patience, you can help your cat by removing the knots.

Things You'll Need

  • Comb
  • Grooming scissors
  • Brush
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    • 1

      Wait until the cat is sleepy or tired to remove the knotted fur. A rousing play session or after mealtime will make the cat more cooperative.

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      Work the knot with your fingers while you stroke the cat to try to get it untangled. Some knots will come out just from being manipulated.

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      Slide the comb under the knot. Be careful not to pull hard on the hair. Cats have very thin, delicate skin.

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      Cut through the knot by sliding the scissors along the side of the comb. Always cut upward through the knot, away from the cat's body.

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      Remove the remains of the tangle using a comb or brush.