How to Make Your Own Pet Dryer

People who have a lot of furry pets and run through the headaches of periodic baths can appreciate the difficult task of getting the pets dry afterward. A pet dryer would save a tremendous amount of struggle and frustration as the pet tries to get away after the bath. Pets that compete in shows need to be groomed almost daily to stay looking their best and they need to be dried quickly. Avoid the extremely high expense of a commercial pet dryer by building one yourself.

Things You'll Need

  • PVC cutter
  • 2 8-foot by 1-inch PVC pipe
  • 10 1-inch PVC right-angles
  • 2 1-inch PVC crosses
  • 3 1-inch PVC tees
  • Drill
  • 1/8-inch drill bit
  • PVC cleaner
  • PVC glue
  • dVari Kennel
  • Wire ties
  • 1.5-inch plastic hose inlet (hurryK9)
  • 1 PVC adapter 1-inch to 1.5-inch
  • Metal grate fordvari kennel
  • Mini-Dryer, hurryk9 brand
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  1. Assemble the PVC Network

    • 1

      Using the PVC cutter, cut all the lengths of PVC needed to construct the network. The list of needs is: two pieces that are 6 inches long, six pieces that are 16 inches long and eight pieces that are 4 inches long.

    • 2

      Drill each piece of PVC with 1/8-inch holes placed every 1/2 inch. These will be the air holes for the dryer to blow dry the pet. Clean and glue a right-angle fitting on each end of four 16-inch pieces of tubing. Make sure the open end of the right-angle fittings point in the same direction and that the row of holes is 90 degrees from the opening in the fitting.

    • 3

      Clean and glue a 4-inch piece of PVC tubing into the open side of each right-angle fitting. Make sure the drilled holes point in the same direction as the 16-inch pieces.

    • 4

      Place the two pieces of 16-inch PVC tubing on the ground with the air holes pointing up and clean and glue a PVC tee to one end of each of the pieces of tubing. Make sure the tee pieces lay flat on the ground so that the openings in the tee are rotated 90 degrees from the air holes. Clean and glue a PVC cross piece to the other end of each of the pieces of tubing with the openings in the fittings in the same orientation with reference to the air holes as the tee pieces.

    • 5

      Clean and glue one of the first structures to each side of the 16-inch PVC tubing with the holes from all tubing pointed in the same direction. The final structures should look like a squared figure-8 lying on its side with an open fitting in one side.

    Install the Air Conduits in the Crate

    • 6

      Lay the first air conduit in the bottom of the kennel. Mount the second conduit from the ceiling of the kennel, taking care to make sure the open port in the air conduit points toward the back of the kennel. Suspend the top air conduit from the ceiling of the kennel with wire ties. Make sure the air holes on both conduits point toward the center of the kennel.

    • 7

      Drill a hole in the center of the back wall of the kennel to mount the 1.5-inch plastic hose inlet fitting. Mount the inlet fitting securely to the back of the kennel.

    • 8

      Install the last pieces of the PVC from the top and bottom PVC network. Install the right-angle fittings pointed toward the center of the kennel using a small stub of PVC tubing. Install the piece of 6-inch PVC tubing with the holes pointed toward the center of the kennel and then join the ends of the 6-inch tubing with a PVC tee, making sure the open the center hole of the tee points to the back of the kennel.

    • 9

      Connect the open hole of the tee piece with the plastic hose fitting using PVC 1-inch-to-1.5-inch adapter.

    Assemble the Drier

    • 10

      Place the grating into the kennel covering the bottom network of PVC tubing.

    • 11

      Connect the plastic outlet hose of the mini-drier to the plastic hose inlet in the back of the kennel.

    • 12

      Turn on the mini-drier and check that you have air flowing from each of the pieces of tubing in the kennel. The air flow should be sufficient to blow dry your pet. Check to make sure the temperature of the air coming from the PVC network is slightly warm.