How to Treat Matted Hair in a Long-Haired Cat

Matted fur is common for long-haired felines such as Persians. Matting occurs during warmer weather, when the undercoat of the felines grow loose. The loose hairs, if left ungroomed, can become tangled with the outer guard hair causing matted hair. Proper and daily grooming of long-haired cats prevent matting from occurring, but when it does occur it can be a tedious process to unclump all of the fur.

Things You'll Need

  • Comb
  • Scissors
  • Corn starch
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      Calm your cat and allow it to rest in a comfortable position where you can reach the matted area.

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      Apply a few sprinkles of corn starch on the matted area and massage the starch into the long hair as much as possible.

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      Continue massaging the matted hair and break the large matted clump into smaller pieces. Tight mats need to be cut out with scissors. If the mat is close to your cat's skin, do not remove the mat with your scissors.

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      Use a comb to untangle the remaining smaller pieces of matted hair. Gently use a brushing motion to straighten out the hair.