How to Eliminate Cat Dander

While it may be impossible to completely eliminate cat dander if you have a cat in your home, you can remove most of it with effort. Dander is the residue of saliva from the cat licking itself, not just the fur it sheds. When your cat sheds or rubs against surfaces in your home, the dander spreads. Proper cleaning and carefully choosing furniture can help control cat dander in your home.


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      Consider your floors. Replace or remove carpet whenever possible. Even when vacuumed daily, carpeting is difficult to keep clean. Cat fur (and dander) can sink into carpet or rugs, so vacuum often if you must have carpeting. Vacuums with HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filters work best because they do not release the dander into the air like conventional vacuums. Steam clean carpets and rugs as often as possible as well. With wood, tile, or other flooring, sweep and mop often, at least once daily.

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      Wipe down the surfaces in your home. Cats love to rub against tables, chairs, and walls. Use a cleanser or soapy water and wipe the walls, baseboards, doorways, tables, chairs, and other things your cat may come in contact with. Wipe the legs of tables and chairs.

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      Filter your air. Get an air cleaner with a HEPA filter and run it continuously to remove dander from the air in your home. If possible, place an air filter next to the cat's litter box. Also, replace your furnace filters often.

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      Choose furniture wisely. Avoid couches and chairs with fabric upholstery and instead opt for vinyl, leather or plastic. Clean the surfaces of furniture your cat comes in contact with. If possible, do not allow your cat to sit or sleep on your couches or chairs. Wash cat beds often, and do not allow your cat to sleep in your bed if you are sensitive to dander. If your cat has access to rooms with beds, cover the mattresses with protective (often plastic) covers under the sheets.

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      Groom your cat often or take it to a groomer. Weekly bathing and daily brushing help reduce shedding and dander.