Type of Scissors to Use for Cat Hair

Long-haired cats require consistent weekly brushing to keep from developing mats in their fur. When such mats are present, attempting to comb them out can be quite painful to the cat. Perhaps the kindest thing to do would be to cut them from the fur, but great care must be taken not to injure the cat. Choosing the appropriate type of scissors for the job is very important.
  1. Types

    • Scissors with many different types of blades are available, but you must remember that cats' skin is very delicate. Pointed scissors, such as barbers' shears, could pierce your cat's skin without your even realizing it happened.


    • The function of the scissors is to remove the matted hair. Unlike humans, cats do not need regular trims, nor are they concerned about appearance, so only the matted fur needs to be removed.


    • Don't use children's blunt scissors, as the blades are not sharp enough to cut through the matted fur. While cutting the mat, put your hand between it and the cat's skin to provide further protection from injury.


    • A cat's fur does not cause it to feel hotter in the summer. In fact, its fur provides protection from the sun, so shaving should only be done as a last resort.


    • Weekly combing should help to cut down on matting and will have the added advantage of hairball prevention because when a cat grooms itself, the loose fur is swallowed, but does not pass through the digestive tract, resulting in hairballs.