How to Remove Dander

Pet dander is the sloughed off skin cells from dogs, cats and birds, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. Dander can cause mild to severe allergies in some people. Dander can float through the air and get in your eyes, nose and lungs. As your pet ages, it will slough off more dander.

Things You'll Need

  • Tile or wooden floors
  • Blinds
  • HEPA filter canister vacuum
  • Mop
  • Wash cloth
  • Dusting rags
  • HEPA filter for central air conditioning
  • HEPA air cleaner
  • Washing machine
  • Pet grooming supplies
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      Choose your pet carefully to avoid allergy problems. Cat dander allergies are 50 percent more common than allergies to dog dander, according to AAFA. Certain breeds of dogs are known to have more dander/skin sloughing than others, such as spaniels, West Highland Terriers, and Irish Setters, according to National Allergy Suppliers. People can be allergic to all pet dander or just one type of breed's dander, according to AAFA. Those with allergies can choose pets without fur or feathers, such as fish or reptiles.

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      Keep dogs and cats outdoors in your backyard. This will eliminate most, but not all, of the dander, Dander can be carried into your house on clothing that has come in contact with your pet. Any pets kept outdoors should be in a fenced area and have adequate shelter from the elements.

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      If you do allow pets in the house, only allow them in one room (for example, the family room) and especially do not allow them into your bedroom.

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      Eliminate carpeting from your house. Pet dander can more easily be swept or mopped up from hard surfaces such as tile or wood. Scrub your floors and walls frequently to remove pet dander.

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      Remove drapes and install hard plastic or wooden blinds. Drapes are difficult to clean and when you open and close them, any dander on them may float out into the air.

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      If you have carpeting, wear a dust mask while vacuuming. Vacuuming stirs up the dander, allowing it to float around the house. Buy a vacuum with a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter to keep the dander from floating in the air as much as possible. Canister vacuums are better at containing dander.

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      Set up a daily routine of cleaning your house. Every day, vacuum the carpets, furniture and drapes first. Dust and wash off all furniture and countertops. Wash your walls and windows. Mop your floors.

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      Add a HEPA filter to your air conditioning and heating vents. Central heating and air conditioning systems spread pet dander from one room to the next.

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      Use a freestanding HEPA air cleaner/filter in the main room your pets are in most of the day.

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      Thoroughly brush and bathe your pets at least once a week.

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      Wash the clothes that you wore when in contact with your pets every day.