Sometimes, the polydactyl toes on these cats are fast-growing. Veterinarians recommend trimming the nails once a week.
Not Low Maintenance
These cats and their claws are not for pet owners looking for a low-maintenance cat. If nails are not trimmed properly and frequently, these friendly felines can suffer the consequences.
Thick and Curvy
Many times, polydactyl cat's claws become thicker than other cats' claws. They may also become curvy and curled under, which can hurt them in the end, if not clipped enough.
Growing Into Pad
Frequently, these cat's polydactyl parts can grow into their pads. Their paws are prone to this effect, so keeping up on trimming is key. The pads of a cat's feet are an essential part of their bodies.
Basic Tips
One useful tip on trimming cat's nails is to make sure they are used to their feet being touched beforehand. If they get used to this feeling before trimming, they won't be as prone to pulling away and trying to escape from your hold on them. Sometimes, as a preventative, cat owners wrap a blanket around their paws so that they don't scratch and keep their paws still easier.
Information on Polydactyl Cat Nail Trimming
Polydactyl cats are often considered a mystery. They were made by cross-breeding and cross-breeding some more. They are sometimes referred to as Hemingways, which means they have extra toes on one or more of their paws.