How to Prevent Fur Mats or Treat a Cat With Matted Fur

Cats groom themselves daily by licking their fur. The coarse texture of the tongue allows the cat to work through small knots in the fur while picking out foreign objects. Despite their self-grooming, cats sometimes can suffer from matted fur that is unattractive and unhygienic. You can help your cat remove matted fur with the right tools. You can make changes to your cat's diet and lifestyle to help prevent fur from becoming matted in the future.

Things You'll Need

  • Grooming brush
  • Manicure scissors
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    • 1

      Allow your cat to eat and become relaxed. An agitated cat will refuse to cooperate and could injure you or become injured as you try to work on the matted fur. Most cats are more docile following a meal.

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      Play with the cat calmly for a few minutes before attempting to treat the matted fur. Stroke the cat softly and use a soothing voice to talk to it. This will make the cat more comfortable and easier to work with.

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      Manipulate the matted fur with your fingers. Small mats may come loose in your fingers with a bit of prying. Be careful not to pull too hard on the hair as this can hurt or startle your cat.

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      Use manicure scissors on the more difficult mats. Cut down the center of the mat with your scissors, being careful not to cut your cat's skin. You may wish to use your fingers to help better position the mat for easy access.

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      Pull away at the matted fur as you cut it. You may need to make multiple cuts before the mat can be removed completely. If the cat becomes too fussy or agitated, don't try to continue working with its fur. Allow it to calm down, and return to finish your work later.

    • 6

      Use a grooming brush once you have remove all the mats. Slowly brush the cat's fur, using caution whenever the brush snags.

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      Brush the cat once or twice a week to keep its fur clean and unmatted. Your cat may initially be bothered by the brush. If brushing becomes a regular activity, your cat will be less upset by it.

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      Change your cat's diet and lifestyle to avoid future problems with matted hair. Try to keep your cat indoors whenever possible to keep it from getting dirty or rubbing against sticky things. Add more fat to your cat's diet to increase oil production in the fur. Dry hair tends to mat more easily.