Excessive Shedding in Cats

Your vacuum cleaner works overtime, getting rid of the mounds of fur on your carpeting and furniture. And you can't leave home without going over your clothes with wads of sticky tape to remove all the cat hair stuck to everything you're wearing. Why do your cats shed so much? Here are a few possibilities.
  1. No Wet Food

    • Wet food keeps cats well hydrated and moisturizes their skin so they shed less.

    Not Enough Fat

    • Cats who don't have enough fat in their diets tend to have dry skin, which can cause excessive shedding.

    Not Enough Protein

    • Cats who don't get enough protein are prone to hair loss and other, more serious, problems. An adult cat needs about 12.5 g of animal protein a day

    Brushing Instead of Combing

    • Brushing a cat doesn't remove the dead and loose hair from the undercoat. Going over the cat with a greyhound or flea comb a couple of times a week will reduce shedding.


    • A stressful experience, like a visit to the veterinarian, can cause excessive shedding.

    Illness and Parasites

    • Allergies, ringworm, fleas, hyperthyroidism and bacterial infections can all cause excessive shedding.