Natural Flea Control for Cats

Fleas are a bane. These pesky little insects jump an average of 15 inches in order to catch a ride on their next victim where they will bite, drink blood and lay eggs. In no time you will find your cat infested due to the hundreds of eggs laid. Over-the-counter flea control is available, but at what cost to your cat's health? Natural flea control is possible without bringing harm to your pet.
  1. Natural May Not Always be the Safest

    • Pennyroyal is an ingredient that used to be used in "natural" flea treatments. However, it has since been discovered that Pennyroyal oil contains liver toxin and can be deadly to cats. Citrus oil is also poisonous while D-limonene, a product of citrus oil, has been found to be safe for use on cats.


    • Clean carpets, curtains and bedding where fleas may have laid eggs to get rid of any unseen fleas, eggs and larva. When vacuuming place a flea collar in the bag of the cleaner to kill any fleas that are swept up and stop them from escaping again.

    Natural Shampoo

    • A non-toxic flea shampoo with D-limonene or Neem oil can be used to wash your cat to kill any fleas and larva that are present. You should bathe your cat

    Herbal Powder &Collars

    • Both herbal powder and collars for fleas are non-toxic solutions to aid in flea control. The powder agitates the fleas so they leave the cats and herbal collars are soaked with insect-repulsive herbal oils, whereas traditional flea collars contain toxic chemicals intended to release dangerous gas from the nerve.

    Yeast and Garlic

    • A yeast supplement significantly reduces the number of fleas on your cat. This should be rubbed directly into the cat's skin coat. Raw garlic works as a flea repellent.