How to Put Claw Caps On Your Cat

Claw caps are a great alternative to declawing your cat, a painful and semi-expensive procedure. With claw caps your cat will not only have the benefit of keeping and using their claws, but will also prevent the cat from damaging furniture or scratching. Plus, they are adorable to look at and your cat will feel beautiful!

Things You'll Need

  • Soft Claws nail caps (or any other brand you may come across)
  • Glue (It will be included with your claw caps)
  • A calm kitty
  • Special treat
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    • 1

      Prepare your cat for this procedure by retrieving them and giving them lots of love and pets. They will need to be calm first in order for you to do this.

    • 2

      Begin rubbing their paws so that they are used to you touching them.

    • 3

      Once the above step is completed, take one paw in hand and begin to press out their nails gently. They may fidget a little, but hold them still as best as you can.

    • 4

      With your free hand, apply the long nozzle to the glue bottle (will be included with glue) and take one claw cap. Start to fill the claw cap with glue. Soft Claws is a very highly recommended brand of claw caps.

    • 5

      Next take the claw cap and push it onto the first claw of your cat. When it is on as far as it will go, hold it there for a couple of seconds until firmly in place. Your cat will again seem uneasy, but words of encouragement and gracious amounts of pets may help.

    • 6

      Repeat the above steps until all of the claw caps are covered.

    • 7

      Reward your cat! They may not have liked the experience of you putting claw caps on them, but they sure will enjoy their reward!