How to Remove Matted Fur From a Cat

Many medium- to long-haired cats are bound to get matted fur at some point in their lives. It’s not pleasant for them, and it can be very uncomfortable and their skin can become sensitive. They could even shy away at the mere touch of a hand on that spot. If your cat has matted fur, here are some tips on to remove it.


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      If the matted fur clumps are too big, cut them a bit. Smaller clumps can be removed easier then larger clumps and it will be more comfortable for the cat. However, when you’re cutting them, make sure that your cat isn’t squirming otherwise you will end up cutting him. Use small scissors, such as eyebrow scissors. They’re easier to manage on clumps instead of using giant scissors.

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      Comb the fur in the direction that it is growing, never comb up. Don’t tug or pull on the clumps as it will do more harm then good. Take your time removing them as they may not easily come out. Rushing it will only hurt the cat hurt and make it nervous.

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      If removing one clump is taking too long, then move on to another area of the cat’s fur. You don’t want the skin in that area to get so sensitive that the cat won’t let you finish it at all.

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      When you finish removing the matted fur, leave the cat alone a bit. They’re usually annoyed and irritated and want to be by themselves.