How to Clear Sleepers From a Cat's Eyes

You may have noticed that your cat has sleepers, just like you. These sleepers are small amounts of dry discharge stuck to the fur around your pet's eyes. To keep your pet healthy, you can clean away those sleepers.


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      Wet a tissue, cotton ball or clean cloth with water and gently wipe the corner of the cat's eyes with a downward motion to clear away the sleepers.

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      Use a saline solution made especially for contact lens wearers to clear the cat's eyes. Make sure the solution is unpreserved.

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      Make a homemade saline solution to clear the sleepers by dissolving 1/8-teaspoon of salt in ½-cup of boiling water. The solution can be stored for a week in the refrigerator. To help the salt dissolve easier, warm the solution by placing it under hot tap water.

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      Find a commercial cleaner to remove any stains from the cat's fur. Daily cleaning of discharge from the cat's eyes will minimize any stains.