How to Fearlessly Clip a Cat's Claws

Choosing to clip your cat's claws rather than declawing the cat is a humane and benevolent choice. However, even the nicest cats can sometimes turn into scary beasts when it comes time for claw clipping. With patience and a calm and steady demeanor, you can make easy work of trimming your cat's claws.

Things You'll Need

  • A Helper
  • Regular Nail Clippers or Nail Clippers Specifically for Pets
  • Dry Towel
  • Calm, Steady Voice and Demeanor
  • Determination
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      Do not let your cat know if you are afraid. Use a calm tone of voice and talk to your cat and pet your cat before you begin. You must let your cat know that you are in control. Place your cat on a towel so that the cat's head is just over the edge of the towel.

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      Have your helper take the ends of the towel and gather them together over the cat's neck. The helper should grab the towel and use the towel to hold the cat's head still without choking the cat. If the helper cannot hold the cat secure with just firmly holding the towels, the helper can firmly grab the towels and the nape of the cat's neck. Remember, the helper should hold the cat firmly but should not choke the cat. Make certain that the helper has a good hold on the cat before attempting to clip the nails. The cat will probably be still and quiet when being held like this.

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      While your helper is holding the cat, clip the cat's claws on its hind legs. Press down on each paw to extend the claws then clip each claw. You will see a pink vein in each claw. The vein is sometimes called "the quick." Be careful! Do not cut this vein or cut past it. Doing so could injure the cat. You must clip the nail before the pink vein.

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      Next, clip the front claws. If the cat is very aggressive during the claw clipping, you will need to cover the cat's head. While your helper is still holding the cat firmly, pull the towel from under the cat and drape it over the cat's head. Your helper should still have the towel in his or her hands with the cat's nape, and can add the towel covering to his or her grasp. Clip away!