Shaving Tips for New Groomers for Cats

Grooming your cat regularly is important to the health of the cat's coat. Shaving tips are important to know, especially for new cat groomers or new cat owners, for cat shaving is very different than shaving dogs. Cats have thinner skin, which means they can be cut more easily. Cats can be shaved completely or in a "lion's shave," which is a complete shave except for the fur around the head, which resembles a lion's mane.
  1. Calmatives

    • Many cats are nervous or fidgety when they hear the sound of the shaver. These kinds of cats should be given a mild tranquilizer or a calmative, according to Cat owners should give the calmative to the cat prior to the grooming process to see what the effect will be on the cat. This will help the owner and groomer determine how much to give to the cat prior to the grooming session. The goal is to calm the cat, not to put the cat to sleep.

    Clipper Size

    • Use professional cat shaving clippers. Use the clipper size for clipping the entire body. For matted cat hair, use the(clipper size. A positive groomer shaving tip for shaving matted cat hair is to pull the skin taught beneath the mat. Use a #4FC or #7FC blade if you want to leave a bit more fuzz on the coat. Avoid using a #4FC or #7FC blades on armpit or groin areas, suggests Use the blades while shaving the anal area. Check the clippers periodically for warmth, to avoid burning the cat's skin.

    Clipping a Mat

    • Shave beneath a mat carefully so you don't clip the delicate skin beneath it. Move and manipulate the mat to better able to see the skin underneath while holding the skin taut. Comb through a mat before shaving it off. Don't shave a cat's tail because bushy tails take a long time to regrow, and brushing them out is the best way to groom them.

    When to Shave

    • Cats should be brushed and combed regularly, especially long-haired cats. Greyhound-type combs, those with medium teeth on one end and fine teeth on the other. These also can help you work mats out of the coat. For a long-haired cat, it will need to be shaved short two to three times a year if it is not properly groomed. A cat infested with fleas or many mats may need to be shaved more often.