How to Groom a Female Persian Cat

The Persian is among the most popular, recognizable and beautiful of cat breeds. Persians combine long, luxurious coats with lovely round eyes, flat faces, short bodies and stocky legs. Females weigh up to five pounds; males weigh up to seven. Despite the size difference, female Persian cats require the same regular grooming as male Persians to prevent their lustrous coats from matting. You should inspect and clean your female Persian cat̵7;s ears, nails and eyes as part of the grooming process. Use the right tools to easily accomplish the task of grooming your female Persian.

Things You'll Need

  • Bristled brush
  • Unscented talcum powder
  • Wide-tooth metal greyhound comb
  • Midsized toothbrush
  • Commercial cat shampoo
  • Cat eye lotion
  • Cotton ball
  • Cat nail scissors or fingernail clippers
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      Run a bristled brush all over your cat̵7;s body to remove any loose hair. Brush in the direction of the hair growth, starting from the back of the head to the base of the tail.

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      Sprinkle a little unscented talcum powder on the fur. Use your fingertips to gently rub it in. The talcum powder will separate the fur and absorb oils, enabling you to easily untangle mats or knots.

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      Remove tangled fur and hairballs by brushing the coat daily with a wide-tooth metal greyhound comb. Run the comb from the hair roots to the ends. Pay special attention to combing areas around the chest and armpits and behind the ears.

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      Gently brush the fur around your cat̵7;s eyes, ears, cheeks and nose with a midsized toothbrush. If you observe tear stains around the eyes, rub the area with a moist washcloth. Apply a cat eye lotion on the tear-stained area to treat the discoloration. You can trim the stained fur, if you prefer.

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      Bath your cat once a month with a commercial cat shampoo. Bathing helps to maintain the texture of the hair and aids in odor control. If your cat̵7;s coat is oily, you should bathe it twice a month.

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      Use a cotton ball to clean the insides of your cat̵7;s ears. Fold the ear back and gently wipe the the folds and areas where you observe a wax buildup. Consult your vet if you notice crusty particles or excess debris, or get a foul smell.

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      Trim the nails weekly with cat nail scissors or fingernail clippers. Hold the paw in your hand and extend one toe at a time, squeezing it between your thumb and finger to extend the nail. Make sure you don't cut into the quick.