American Shorthair Breed Standards

According to the Cat Fanciers' Association, the American shorthair consistently ranks as one of the top 10 most popular breeds of cat. Cat shows use breed standards to describe the ideal specimen for each breed. These standards allow judges to evaluate the breed accurately and with enough flexibility to leave room for differences in interpretation between judges.
  1. General

    • The physical aspects of the cat should complement each other. The American shorthair has a mild temperament and is easy to handle. Sizes range from medium to large. Generally, females are slightly smaller, yet not frail or dainty in appearance. The overall body is powerful and shows good depth and a full chest. The head is in balance with the body.


    • American shorthairs have broad heads with well-developed cheeks that make the head appear round. The profile of the head has a concave curve with no break. The eyes are set wide apart on the face. The well-developed chin forms a perpendicular line with the upper lip. The ears are medium in size, rounded at the tips and proportionate at the base.


    • The lower abdomen may display a fatty pad. This is common in the American shorthair breed and not considered a sign of obesity. The neck is medium in size and proportionate to the body. A short neck denotes strength. The legs are of good substance in proportion to the body. The feet have five toes on front legs and four toes on back legs. The tail is thick at the base and tapers toward the end and is proportionate to the body.


    • American shorthairs have a short, lustrous and close laying coat. The even textured coat has a natural protective appearance. This breed of cat has more than eight different colors and patterns that range from brown-patched tabby, blue-eyed white, shaded silvers, calico and many combinations in between. According to the American Cat Fanciers Association, the eye color should conform to the requirements of the cat's coat color.