How to Remove Ticks From Felines

If your feline prefers the outdoors, chances are it will have a run-in with a tick at some point. Ticks are bugs that latch onto a host in search of their next blood meal. These bugs are generally not selective, and will bite into cats, dogs, humans or any other warm-blooded creature. They are tiny and arrive in many different colors, allowing them to use your cat's fur as camouflage as they feed. Once the tick is located, removal is quick and simple.

Things You'll Need

  • Latex gloves
  • Fine-tipped tweezers
  • Small bowl
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Cotton balls
  • Disinfectant solution
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    • 1

      Put on a pair of latex gloves to protect yourself from the tick. These bugs carry diseases that are dangerous to cats as well as humans.

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      Soothe your cat by stroking its head and body as you locate the tick. The more relaxed your animal is, the easier removal will be.

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      Grab the tick's head firmly with a pair of fine-tipped tweezers. Avoid grabbing any other part of the tick, as the head will stay stuck in your cat's skin once you pull away.

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      Lift the head straight out and away from the cat's body. Do not twist the head, as this may leave the mouth parts lodged in the skin.

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      Drop the tick into a small bowl filled with isopropyl alcohol to kill it. Dispose of the tick in the trash once it is dead.

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      Saturate a cotton ball with a disinfectant solution. Dab the bitten area on your cat's body thoroughly to prevent infection.