How to Get Long-Haired Cats to Stop Shedding

Owners of Persian, Himalayan and other long-haired cats may find themselves constantly covered in cat hair, especially in the summer months. Having to give your guests the once-over with a lint roller after they sit on your furniture can be embarrassing, but you can take steps to prevent your long-haired cat from shedding. While it is impossible to eliminate shedding completely, you can drastically reduce its occurrence with small changes to your cat's grooming and diet.


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      Bathe your long-haired cat in warm water using a gentle pet shampoo. Follow with a conditioner formulated especially for long-haired cats. If you have trouble bathing your cat by yourself, hold its front ankles together with one hand and its back ankles together with the other, wrapping your arms around its body. Have a friend shampoo the cat while you hold and comfort it. You can also use cat bath wipes, towelettes that contain cleanser and conditioner and do not require submerging the cat in water.

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      Comb your cat daily using a wide-toothed comb. Fine-toothed combs can cause tangles and even more hair loss.

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      Wet a chamois cloth and squeeze out the excess water. Pet your cat with the cloth to pick up loose hair immediately after combing and anytime you notice shedding.

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      Visit the veterinarian for a checkup. Fleas, ticks, matted hair and skin irritation can cause excess shedding, as can a poor diet. Your vet can check the cat's skin and provide vitamin supplements or prescription cat food if necessary.

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      Apply flea treatment regularly. Preventive treatments only need to be applied once a month. Bathe your cat with flea shampoo if you suspect it already has fleas. Sprinkle your carpets and furniture with borate powder to keep the fleas from coming back.