Things You'll Need
- 2 "C" alkaline batteries
- Pet treats
- Cloth
Unscrew the battery cap on the bottom of the Pedi Paws device and insert two alkaline "C" batteries. Screw the cap back on.
Place your pet on your lap and allow it to smell the Pedi Paws device, then give it a treat. Turn the device on to accustom your pet to the sound of it, then give it a treat after a few minutes and turn the device off. Repeat this process, treating your pet if it behaves calmly in the presence of the device when it is on.
Wrap your arm around your pet to hold it in place. Take one of your pet's paws and extend the nail of one toe by pressing down on it between your index finger and thumb. With the device in your other hand, turn it on. Hold the nail to support it, then insert the tip of the nail into the hole in the orange cap. The nail tip will touch the rotating emery board inside the cap, which trims the nail.
Trim the nail for 3 to 5 seconds, quickly rocking the Pedi Paws device back and forth over the top and then bottom of the nail. Turn the device off and give your pet a treat.
Turn the device back on and use it to trim each of the nails on your pet's front paw for 3 to 5 seconds at a time, alternating between nails to prevent the pet from experiencing too much friction from the filing motion on each nail. After 3 to 5 seconds of filing, check the nail to ensure you do not file it too low, below the pink "quick" that contains blood vessels and nerve endings. File all of the nails on the paw until each is smooth and trim. Turn the device off and give your pet a treat.
Trim the nails on the other front paw, holding each nail for 3 to 5 seconds, alternating between nails and checking each nail after trimming. Treat your pet after finishing the other front paw. If desired, you can trim the nails on your pet's back feet, treating your pet after finishing each paw. Give your pet a treat after you finish so it associates the use of the Pedi Paws device with something good.
Unscrew the orange cap and empty the nail shavings into a trash can. Wipe the device down with a dry cloth and replace the cap. Remove the batteries from the Pedi Paws device and put them aside for the next time you use it.