Things You'll Need
- 1/2 tsp. mild dishwashing liquid
- Cup
- 3 to 5 towels
- Metal comb
- Blow dryer
Fill a bathtub halfway with warm water. Pour 1/2 tsp. mild dishwashing liquid in the water to create a soapy bath.
Place the cat slowly in the water. Hold the cat through the entire bathing process so it doesn't jump out. Keep its head out of the water.
Pour water onto the cat with a cup. Do not scrub the fur because this only creates tangles. Rub the fur down in one direction and do this over its entire body. Keep water out of its ears, mouth, eyes and nose.
Submerge the cat's body in the water for one minute.
Drain the water out of the bathtub. Continue to hold the cat.
Fill the bathtub halfway with warm water to rinse the cat off. Pour water on the cat with a cup and rub its fur in one direction. Submerge its body in the water for one minute.
Let the water drain out of the bathtub. Squeeze the cat's fur gently to remove excess water.
Take the cat out of the bathtub and place a cotton towel around it. Dry its fur gently with the towel. Use two to four towels to absorb excess water.
Set the cat on a dry towel and hold it firmly. Comb through its fur with a metal comb to remove tangles.
Blow dry the cat's fur on the lowest setting. Dry small sections of fur at a time. Continue to blow dry the cat until it is mostly dry.