How do you draw a ruffled grouse?

Step 1: Draw the head and neck

1. Start by drawing a small circle for the head.

2. Add two smaller circles for the eyes, and a curved line for the beak.

3. Draw a curved line for the neck, and connect it to the head.

Step 2: Draw the body

1. Draw a large oval for the body.

2. Add a smaller oval for the wing, and a curved line for the tail.

3. Connect the body to the neck, and add a few lines to indicate the feathers.

Step 3: Draw the legs and feet

1. Draw two curved lines for the legs.

2. Add two small circles for the feet, and a few lines to indicate the toes.

Step 4: Add the details

1. Add a few curved lines to the head and neck to indicate the feathers.

2. Draw a small circle for the eye, and add a few lines to indicate the pupil.

3. Add a few more lines to the body and wings to indicate the feathers.

4. Draw a few lines to indicate the ground.

Step 5: Color your ruffled grouse

Color your ruffled grouse in shades of brown, black, and white. You can also add some red to the head and neck.

Here is a picture of a finished ruffled grouse drawing:

[Image of a ruffled grouse drawing]