* Attention Seeking: Cats are often quite needy and want attention. They might realize that you're usually alone in the bathroom and this is their chance to get some quality time with you.
* Routine Association: Cats are creatures of habit. They might have learned that your bathroom trips are followed by some activity they enjoy, like getting a treat or petting.
* Food Time?: Some cats might associate bathroom trips with food time, especially if you tend to feed them shortly after.
* Scent: Your cat might be drawn to the scent of urine or even the scent of the toilet paper, which could be linked to their own waste habits.
Important Note: If your cat's bathroom behavior becomes obsessive or disruptive, it's a good idea to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical conditions.
In most cases, it's just a harmless quirk of their personality! It's a great reminder that cats are full of surprises and often have their own unique way of showing affection.