Is lucky bamboo poisonous to cats?

Yes, lucky bamboo is toxic to cats.

While the name is misleading, lucky bamboo is not actually a bamboo but a type of dracaena plant. All parts of the dracaena plant contain saponins, which are toxic to cats if ingested.

Symptoms of lucky bamboo poisoning in cats can include:

* Vomiting

* Diarrhea

* Loss of appetite

* Depression

* Drooling

* Tremors

If you suspect your cat has ingested lucky bamboo, it's important to contact your veterinarian immediately.

To prevent your cat from getting into lucky bamboo:

* Keep it out of reach of your cat, preferably in a room they cannot access.

* Consider growing other cat-safe plants instead.

It's always a good idea to research the safety of any plant you bring into your home if you have pets.