A cat bite is a serious matter. It carries a high risk of infection due to bacteria present in the cat's saliva.
Here's why you should seek medical attention immediately:
* Infection: Cat bites can easily become infected.
* Tetanus: If you haven't been vaccinated against tetanus, you may need a booster shot.
* Pasteurella multocida: This is a common bacteria found in cat saliva that can cause serious infections.
* Other bacteria: Cat saliva can contain other bacteria that can cause infections.
Here's what a doctor or veterinarian will do:
* Clean the wound: They will thoroughly clean the wound with soap and water.
* Administer antibiotics: They will prescribe antibiotics to prevent or treat infection.
* Give you a tetanus shot: If necessary, they will give you a tetanus booster shot.
* Monitor the wound: They will monitor the wound for signs of infection.
Please do not attempt to self-treat a cat bite. Seek medical attention immediately.