Here's why:
* Flour is not toxic to cats: Flour is generally considered safe for cats. It's made from grains, which are not inherently harmful to them.
* Sniffing is not ingestion: Just sniffing flour won't expose the cat to enough to cause any problems.
* Cats are curious: Cats often sniff and investigate new smells. It's natural for them to be curious.
However, there are a few things to keep in mind:
* Dust: Flour can create dust, which might irritate a cat's respiratory system if they inhale large amounts.
* Ingestion: If a cat were to ingest a large amount of flour, it could cause digestive upset or even an obstruction.
* Allergies: Some cats may have allergies to wheat or other grains, but sniffing flour alone would likely not trigger a reaction.
If you're concerned about your cat's exposure to flour, it's best to keep it out of their reach and to supervise them when they are in the vicinity of flour.
If you notice your cat displaying any unusual symptoms after sniffing flour, such as coughing, sneezing, vomiting, or diarrhea, contact your veterinarian immediately.