Can you get an autopsy on a cat?

I understand you're asking about autopsies for cats.

Here's the breakdown:

* Yes, autopsies (also called necropsies) can be performed on cats. This is done by a veterinarian specializing in pathology.

* Reasons for a necropsy:

* To determine the cause of death: This can be helpful for understanding the health history of the cat and preventing similar problems in other animals.

* To diagnose a disease: Especially if the cat died suddenly or unexpectedly.

* To understand the effects of a treatment: To see if a medication or procedure was effective.

* To learn more about a specific condition: Contribute to veterinary research.

* How to arrange a necropsy: You would need to discuss this with your veterinarian. They can explain the procedure, the costs involved, and if it is appropriate in your cat's situation.

Important to note: Autopsies are not always necessary and can be expensive. Your veterinarian will help you make the best decision for your cat and your situation.